I went to the theater that night to see EASY A, but got there too late. Hmm. . . "What other movie is starting now"? Voila, SCOTT PILGRIM it is! (Thanks in part to the woman in line who said, "That's a great movie!") The best way I can find to describe this movie is like this: Remember movies like MARY POPPINS? Or PETE'S DRAGON? Or even WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? They might be too old skool for some, but the common denominator is that they combined live action with animation. SCOTT PILGRIM, along those same lines, combines live action with a video game. In the "live" facet of the film, a complete nerd (who somehow gets the hottest girlfriends ever) is in a band and the band is gearing up for a Battle of the Bands-type competition to finally get the recording contract they've been after. Scott just got a new girlfriend, a groupie for the band, but dumps her for a different hot gf. Here's where the "video game" facet begins. Scott's new new girlfriend (no, that's not a misprint) has seven evil exes who Scott must defeat (not beat, but DEFEAT) in order to keep dating her. And so begins the two story lines with the blurred fine line between them. The movie really didn't interest me, and I didn't really care whether Scott got killed or not. And as for the girlfriend -- she wasn't even worth the trouble. Geez - smile every now and then will ya? The band competition and the battling of the exes all comes together at the end (surprise, surprise) when Scott meets the seventh and last (thank God) ex at the competition. Wait!! He's the record contract guy!! The effects were kinda cool, but is that a reason to go to a movie anymore? We can see cool effects any night on our TVs at home. And the one after another after another after another fight got pretty old. It reminded me of a bad version of CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON. Let's just say, I wish EASY A hadn't been sold out.
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