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Friday, December 10, 2010


OMG! Is this really real? If it's a hoax (ala THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT), we'd know by now -- right? If you're ever on Facebook (duh), and especially if you friend people you don't actually know, then this documentary will definitely touch a nerve. It all begins when Abby, an 8-year-old budding artist from upstate Michigan contacts Nev, a mid-to-late 20s professional photographer in New York City via email. Abby wants to paint one of Nev's pictures that she has seen published. She does, and he is very flattered and impressed with her talent. The relationship quickly moves to Facebook, where Nev (pronounced NEEV) "meets" and friends most of Abby's family, including her mother, Angela, her father, Vince, her 19-year-old sister, Megan, and her teenage brother (I forgot his name). Well, as Abby continues to paint more of Nev's photos as well as other subjects, including Nev's protrait from his Facebook profile pic, sending them all to Nev, Nev starts up a torrid Facebook affair with Megan.
The only thing weird about this for me is that Nev's buddy wants to document all this and put it on video. How could he have known what was to come??? And what DOES follow had me on the edge of my seat better than any scripted movie I have seen in recent memory. Who are these people? Why are they doing what they're doiing? Is Nev in too deep with Megan, who he has never met face to face? He HAS spoken with her on the phone, though. Matter of fact, Nev has spoken with Megan, Angela, and even little Abby. So what the hell is going on here? The art is really real. In fact, it's the only tangible connection to the "Facebook Family" that Nev has
This documentary has it all -- suspense, deceit, humor, surprise, and even compassion. I can't really reveal any more about the film or it would spoil it parts of it. And the name, CATFISH???? You get that explanation in the final minutes. You won't be disappointed -- you will find out everything that's going on.
I will be very surprised if this doesn't get an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary.
If I were Siskel and Ebert, I'd give this one two thumbs through the roof!

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